Fiji Report

From the Pastor’s heart

 Fiji Report

 It is my great joy to report to you that the Spirit of God is moving through our visit to Fiji. This Thursday morning at Suva (capital of Fiji) we experienced an outpouring like in the day of Pentecost. We were at a cell group/prayer meeting that has been running for many years involving a few women. I had ministered to them 2 years ago and we had experienced a mighty move of God then. However, this time, the move was very exciting because many Methodist women had attended the meeting quite to the surprise of the host leader of the cell group. She in fact mentioned that she had not even invited quite a lot of them that were attending. Somehow, the Holy Ghost had drawn these women and men there.

At the altar call to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, nearly half the crowd came forward and were mightily filled as God poured out His Spirit upon them. There was no laying on of hands but just a prayer said by them in response to my prayer and then the Holy Spirit fell. Prior to that altar call, I had given a call for people to stand who had some sickness or disease and many stood up where they were. I prayed for them and then asked the ones who were healed to come forward to testify. Many came forward to testify that they were healed of various problems from lumps disappearing, throat healed, arms healed, and one man with an eye problem who said he could not see through that eyes was anointed with oil by Don and he was healed and could see out of that eye. One lady received her healing when she was rolling being baptised in the Holy Spirit. After that, prayer was offered for impartation to leadership roles by these women in their churches and a prayer for discernment and wisdom to be imparted to them was said. They were so open to receiving that God continued to touch them and I am sure they will never be the same again.

The previous day (Wednesday the 1stof June) we ministered at the Aglow ladies meeting. Anne gave her testimony there and the ladies meeting on the 2nd of June. The Aglow ladies were also blessed with healing by God and it was evident that the Spirit of God was moving amongst them. The day of our arrival in Suva by road on the 30th of May propelled us into an evening meeting with the Pastor we had been staying with. Many were convicted of their backslidden state and repented. After that, prayer was offered for healing and they too testified of instant healing. On the 31st, we had a combined meeting of three churches. God moved once again to heal many and they were blessed. As a result of these meetings, we have now been given an open invitation to come back and minister to these churches which will give us an expanded audience to cater to. God is establishing relationships.

Back in Nadi, when we arrived we had meetings that were not so well attended but God was in the house anyway. Many were healed and blessed with the presence of God in their lives. Don preached at these meeting and then on Sunday morning at the host church. I was to preach at a church in Latouka which is 35klms away from Nadi so I left early to preach at that service. God moved there mightily and brought healing to many. One woman was returned to the Lord from her backslidden state. She came forward with tears to repent and restore a right relationship with God. It was so moving to participate in this move of God in her life.

Fiji has once again proved to be a place of many wonderful moves of God. Every time I come here, I always go away with great testimonies. It seems that this time is no different but it seems that the presence is increasing. Many open doors have resulted through this visits to Fiji and I am sure God will do what is necessary when the time is right.


The building program has reached design stage and Don is working on the costing. We are requesting continued prayer before we proceed as want to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us clearly and showing us without a doubt where to set up and when.


Fiji Trip,  Don and Anne Phillips.

Arrived Wed 25th May to a hot and sunny day, met at the airport by a friend of Ps Noble's with her car.  Elanoa took us to sister Rachel's home, which was approx a 30 minute drive from the airport, at a village called Korovuto. 

Wednesday night we attended a corporate prayer night at the church, where Don shared something on prayer.

Thursday night we attended a connect group at Malolo, Don shared on his favourite verse which is Genesis 1:26. One ex- Hindu woman was prayed for who had returned to God after a back slidden state. She manifested many demons. She was advised to get rid of the images in her house to which she consented.

Friday afternoon we visited an Indian family not far from Rachel's house where Don shared a brief message before praying for them.  We then attended the Korovuto connect group, where Don shared again then prayed for each person.

Saturday we had a rest day and had some time in Nadi.

Sunday morning Anne shared briefly before Don preached as Ps Noble was preaching at another church.  After the meeting a church member asked us to visit her home and pray for her mother, who was a stroke victim.

In the afternoon we attended that home where we prayed for the mother who had a basic acceptance of Jesus.  She had problems with her left arm and leg which after prayer she was then able move more freely. 

We then went back to the church where Ps Noble preached.

That concluded our ministry in Nandi/Korovuto.

Monday morning we travelled to Suvawhich is a 3 hour drive, and stayed at Ps Siti's home.  Ps Noble's notes on this covers all of the Suva meetings.

An exhortation

The Spirit of God is continually moving with those who wish to move with Him. Over the years, I used to wonder how to move with the Spirit. I was often intimated by watching others and wondered if I would ever reach the same level as others I had come to admire. When I say ‘admire’, not revere but hold in high esteem because of their faith. It took some time but then I realised that the only one limiting me was myself. I also realised that I had been trying to work things out in the flesh and in the mind. I am not discounting the timing of the Lord or the journey of learning that is always involved in reaching new levels of faith. However, I have come to learn that God is always willing to move with those who are willing to move with Him.


Character and a right attitude toward God and man are very important in the relationship with God. This is the key to advancing in one’s understanding of how things work with God. It seems that the testing ground is in these two areas more than in areas of stepping out in faith. When God comes to test the heart attitude of an individual, it is always to determine motivation and intention.


Let us work toward this understanding through the word of God as He searches our hearts. We may form opinions and judgements of things and people even God that really has nothing to do with our spirituality but rather with our flesh. As a result, we often find ourselves either isolated or in a difficult place of accepting why God moves with some people whom we think are not fit to have that move of God operate in their lives.  That is why God has given us the Holy Spirit and His word to check our hearts. Heb 4:12For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:13Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

 Let us position ourselves in the South West corridor to reach the heights God has available for us.

Lots of love

Pastor Noble