The sufferings of Christ

 Php_3:10  That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable (means assimilate) unto His death;

Apostle Paul is writing above about trying to understand the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. I always found it strange that someone would want to know this and be involved in it. The mind boggles at the smallest burden one has to carry of another let alone one’s own burdens. The truth is conformity to someone, or something means becoming like them though you are not. 

Associating with what another goes through can have the effect of empathy on oneself which can be good or dangerous if not done properly. For example, if you empathise with someone’s sickness you may take that sickness upon yourself. Therefore, if we understand what Christ suffered and then associate with that within the confines of what is revealed to us, we can then feel it and know it but need not carry it as Christ carried it. Another example is, I can listen and counsel someone and empathise with their burden, but not carry it. So, my way out of carrying another’s burden is to transfer it to the one who can carry it and that is Christ.

Many are going to hell and whilst I empathise with this situation, I cannot lose my own soul with them or for them and go to hell too. This is where I draw the limit on empathy and knowledge of another’s sufferings.

We must deal with two schools of thought when we come to think about the sufferings of Christ. One viewpoint is from the legalists of His time who said, if He could do so many miracles, how come He does not save Himself? In other words, why suffer? The other group sees and knows the sufferings of Christ only as it is revealed to them. When they do see and know what is revealed to them about the sufferings of Christ, they mostly cannot contain it. Yet, at the same time they are grateful that they did not have to go through it and understand what Jesus did for them.

The concept of our sufferings and going through them is revealed to us in the Bible as an opportunity to reveal Christ in us. Apostle Paul who suffered immensely spoke of this revelation of Jesus in him and through him by his ministry. Though Apostle Paul dd not suffer like Jesus did, he certainly suffered some of what Jesus went through. Added to this, was the crucifixion of his own flesh thereby allowing Christ to be the dominant life force in him. Gal 2.20

Like the people of Malta, we too can think that Jesus was punishing Apostle Paul for his sins and that is why he suffered so much. However, we know that anyone who comes to Christ and repents is forgiven. Their sins and deeds are not remembered anymore nor are they held accountable for them. This is indeed the good news about suffering. So, we conclude that the sufferings of this lifetime that we as Christians go through is to reveal Jesus in us. Many do not understand this and ask for the thorn in the flesh to be removed. However, we too are categorised with Apostle Paul and told by Jesus that His grace was sufficient for us in our sufferings.

It is easy for one to look upon another’s sufferings and give good advice and even be concerned for that sufferer. However, we all have to carry our own cross and cannot truly suffer on behalf of another. That was done by Jesus. The journey of the caterpillar exemplifies suffering. The metamorphosis it goes through transforms the caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. If at any stage, we try to assist it there would be no butterfly. 

It is a God thing. We cannot play God and interfere in sufferings. We can intercede.

Many decide on life’s sufferings erroneously by what they sense and feel and thereby conclude on life’s condition without knowledge. 

Hos_4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

There are several levels of suffering that we must understand before we conclude. Herein lies discernment and knowledge. True suffering cannot be compared to the glory that awaits us. Therefore, we must understand what kind of sufferings there are in this world that do not come from a God ordered journey for us.

  1. The sufferings of Christ (Our sin upon Him)

  2. The sufferings by fellow men (Their sin upon them)

  3. The sufferings created by the world (The sin of the world)

  4. The sufferings created by the devil (The legal & illegal attacks because of sin)

  5. The sufferings we create for ourselves (Created by our sin nature flesh decisions)

None of the above have been designed by God for us. These are all a product of sin. So, if sin is the perpetrator of sin, why do we continue to sin? Herein is human nature revealed for all to see. Putting on Christ gets rid of our sin nature. However, it does not get rid of our sufferings but allows us to bear them.

So, let us come to that place where we only fellowship with the sufferings of Christ. That too, only what we are allowed by God to carry. Many flay their body and hang themselves on the cross to re-live what Jesus did for them. Others condemn themselves and re-live the sufferings of Christ (our sin) which were borne by Christ. Yet others suffer needlessly because of habitual sin. My dear family in Christ; allow yourselves the knowledge of the sufferings of Christ without the condemnation and burdens of those sufferings. Live well by the grace of Jesus and the mercies of God. Come daily to the understanding of this great sacrifice of God on our behalf that you might not forget what was done for you and the price that was paid. 

The longing of the heart that governs redemption is understanding the sufferings of Christ. That is why we take communion often. It is in this act of communion that we remember our loving Saviour who suffered for us and died. That is why He asks us to cleanse our hearts before we take communion. This is an act that releases us from sin, many hurts, un-forgiveness, resentments, and other negatives (short term and long term) that operate in our lives. 

To be like Christ, we must also suffer like Christ. Herein is the secret of freedom and liberty. Once we understand this, we can take the stripes that come from the tongues of men, the beatings of wickedness, the shame and condemnation of the devil’s accusations and above all face the Father in absolute faith in our forgiveness. This is true liberty for the tortured soul. God loves and so He forgives without the conditions of a sin ridden life that demands judgement and destruction. 

Let us put off the cloak of despair over our lives and come to that place where we know that Jesus suffered for us that we might live and become rich in His glory. The exchange of the cross gives us the freedom we need and often search for. The freedom comes when we take up our cross daily in this world and re-live our lives in freedom and not in condemnation, fear or lack. It was all taken by Jesus.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Lots of love

Pastor Noble 
