Posts tagged Don Phillips
Wholeness - in Christ Jesus

In our last Teaching letter we made the statement "Wholeness is what the Cross is all about". We looked at the sacrifice of our LORD JESUS upon the Cross at Calvary.  We also saw that as HE hung upon that Cross, bearing our sin and shame, HE made a most remarkable statement.  HE said "IT IS FINISHED".

What we aim to do today is to show how "OUR WHOLENESS" is linked eternally to those amazing words, "IT IS FINISHED".

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Why the Cross - Redemption

In our last Teaching letter on "Why the Cross" we looked at the sacrifice of our LORD JESUS upon the Cross at Calvary.  We saw that the curse that came upon Mankind via the sin of our Foreparents Adam and Eve was done away with.  We saw that it no longer had any power over us who are IN CHRIST JESUS because JESUS removed that curse from us by becoming cursed HIMSELF, "Gal 3:13  Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: "

That slightly covered the area that we could call "before the Cross"; But what was achieved by that sacrifice for those who came after the Cross?

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Calvary AssemblyDon Phillips
God's door to His blessings

What is a door?  It is a means of moving through a barrier or partition or a portal helping us to go from one area to another.

A wall on the other hand is a permanent barrier whether it's between two separate rooms within a building or even could be a barrier between the safety of your home and the dangers present outside of your home. 

Another form of  barrier is the spiritual barrier called sin that hinders our ability to be in the presence of GOD and obtain from Him all that HE offers to us.  All of these and other forms of barriers need to have a means which enables us to be able to pass through them and that means is called a door.

In ( John 14:6 ) JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". So what does that mean?  Also in (Matt 7:14) HE said " Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it ".  JESUS has just said that HE is the way, then tells us that the way through HIM is a narrow way; also, that the way through the gate is a  straight way.  Next, HE tells us that this way leads to life, but there will be few who will actually find their way to that life. 

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